
Testing Applications Platform

The Rolft testing platform that meets your privacy requirements, is rocket fast, and provides the best capabilities for implementing your experiments. Plus it's affordable

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Rolft is a testing applications platform that prioritizes user privacy, speed, and exceptional capabilities for implementing experiments. While specific technologies are not mentioned, typical technologies involved in such software may include web development frameworks, database management systems, and secure encryption protocols to ensure the platform meets rigorous privacy requirements. Rolft, designed to be rocket-fast and affordable, is poised to become an advanced testing solution, offering users the best tools for efficient and effective experiment implementation.

Benefits of Rolft

Data Protection & Privacy Compliance

Privacy compliance isn't just a feature - it's a requirement for continued serious experimentation! Rolft is develope with this approach and continuously adapts to requirements

Performance - for best User Experiences

We are rock solid and rocket fast. With a super tiny snippet, superb CDN and the possibility to host the snippet yourself we are faster than other solutions. Goodbye to any flickering and performance doubts!.

Productivity - for agile Experimentation

From the small agency to the enterprise, it always remains fast and clear. With a strong focus on developers and an easy to use powerful visual editor you are capable of testing any of your ideas.

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Rolft Features


Rolft makes developing experiments as easy as possible. Whether you're a front-end developer or any testing experienced marketeer, you get the features you need from the platform

  • Mutual Exclusion from Experiments
  • Single Page Application Experimentation
  • Helper Functions


Be as specific as you like about where and who should be part of experiments. In addition to specific targeting for experiments, use higher-level rules that apply globally. Create environments for languages, staging websites or much more.

  • Detailed Goal Definition
  • Prerequisite Rules
  • Variable Traffic Allocation

Hosting & Compliance

The topic of data protection is now a must for the vast majority of companies. To ensure that this is not a show stopper in testing, Rolft meets and exceeds even the requirements in the toughest markets worldwide. For safer experimentation for your business

  • No Personal Data stored
  • Secure High-Performance-CDN
  • Two-Factor Authentication


Results & Overview

Combine Rolft with all your analysis tools. Keep the overview even with many tests and test with many goals. Stay informed about all processes. Rolft fits to largest teams and largest-scale experimentation efforts

  • Integrations and Custom Integrations
  • Clear Quota Management
  • Team Members and Membership of Teams